How Viable and Vital are we in the spring of 2021?

A lot has been happening in Chorlton since the publication of the Vital and Viable Chorlton report, commissioned for Manchester City Council and created by the Institute of Place Management, based at Manchester Metropolitan University.
Written in the days before Covid 19, the report looked at ways in which Chorlton could become more sustainable and a better place to live, with a stronger local economy. It measured Chorlton against a set of 25 factors which can all influence the success (or otherwise) of a local district centre and its surrounding area.  
We are taking stock and looking at at what progress has been made towards the recommendations. Take a look at the progress made so far (as of March 2021) and please share your thoughts with us.
As the report says, it’s up to local people to organise and take action – and we have more influence than we might think.