Our Aims, Objectives and Values
Co-operating, imagining, inventing and challenging
- To build on, and bring together, the different groups and organisations with an interest in Chorlton-as-Place.
- To strengthen ties between groups and organisations with an interest in Chorlton-as-Place.
- To identify and coordinate the implementation of projects aimed at improving the vitality and viability of Chorlton.
- To actively support and promote the City Council’s declaration of a Climate Emergency in July 2019.
- To be an independent point of contact and channel for information with regard to developments in Chorlton.
To be: an umbrella organisation to provide a channel for information to and from the community and to and from decision makers; to tackle local issues in a joined up way through the sharing of information and ideas.
To take opportunities: to seize the opportunities of proposed developments as they arise; facilitate a fast response network; create a more secure, sustainable future for local businesses and their customers; make the most of compatible events and opportunities.
To gain control through having a co-ordinated voice; lobby and campaign knowing that as broad across section as possible have contributed; operate as a pressure group as needed; align around a common vision for Chorlton; influence developments and decision makers.
To learn: to meet and share ideas, problems and solutions; learn from each other; articulate community knowledge from the grass roots; enable as many people as possible to understand local development s as they arise; work together to design some principles for developments in Chorlton.
To achieve our objectives we will:
- Co-operate
- Be inclusive
- Respect difference
- Address the implications for local climate action plans at each meeting