Meeting report: Chorlton Community Alliance
Meeting: June 14th 2021, via Zoom
Present: Carolyn Kagan (Convener), Shaun Fensom, Claire Stocks, Nick Dixon, Alan Williams
Apologies: Cllr Mandie Shilton-Godwin, Simon Borkin, Jane Leach, Linsey Parkinson, Cllr Eve Holt
Simon welcomed to first meeting as Chair of CLT.
1.Updates since last meeting
Funeralcare home: Letter was sent to Coop Senior personnel with over 500 signatures. response received that basically says:
“Notwithstanding (..that we might have to get the best price and accept that the building might not be retained..), we genuinely do want to help as much as we can, so going forward we will continue to work with the CLT and the local planners and council to try and find a viable solution. We are taking all community feedback onboard and we appreciate your comments and the strength of feeling in the community.”
More survey work required going on this week. Proposal is being slowly elevated up the tiers in the Coop
Updates from Groups
Re-Imagine Chorlton – talking about Great Get Together.
a) Big walk – using Green map – no progress . Green mappers put in bid for NIF for funding for soc media hub for this in March – this has now been withdrawn. Still keen to look at what digital needs are re Chorlton;
b) Play streets – some streets interested, but a lot of uncertainty due to COVID. Possibly think about Sept;
c) Sept event coinciding with AF. A lot of interest from H and SC system in connectivity work.
Chorlton Bike Deliveries: Crowdfunding project on line. Some traders committed money. Want to buy another bike and trailer. TfGM funding for money to support sharing bikes. Need a base. – short term and long term.
Chorlton Traders – been quiet due to energies being focused on COVID. Delay to 21st June more uncertainty. Tidying up community garden – Pete Whiteley. Unicorn undergoing refurbishments. Haven’t had the resources to invite new traders to the group. Possibility of having a Traders’ festival – may be other things to think about to galvanise Traders and get them working cooperatively to smarten up their stretches of road – perhaps a wider group could brainstorm ideas?.
CLT NIF funded project – not off the ground yet. Focus will probably be around 4 banks. Could be used as a platform to energise people and close gap between traders and users of Chorlton. Precinct development should inject investment in Chorlton (if it happens). Need better intelligence about who the landlords are. To be led by Steve Goslyn. Simon to chivvy Eve re getting this project started. Discussion held about how all the different consultations could be brought together to an overall plan. Need to be mindful that shared view has no formal status and that the formal process is beyond our time and resources. Noted that it is easier to get enthusiastic engagement around a specific project eg Funeral care Home.
CLT – Ryebank is moving forward. MMU have invited CLT to meet with each of the 4 developers they have identified. Will stress a) critical importance of community engagement as planning proposals developed, as well as b) report arising from CLT public meetings. Developers will also come to CLT Board who will provide an analysis /review to MMU re how close each is to the community view and to community engagement. Next stage probably about Sept/Oct. No change to development Framework. All developers have had CLT report. CLT position is not pushing for development but to be involved if there is development. MMU don’t expect any planning applications for a year.
Noted that developers for the Baths development are taking a collaborative approach via Facebook.
Precinct – no further development.
Chorlton Coop – 1% community grant being polled again. Deadline for Chorlton extended.
Our Streets are surveying Chorlton in terms of what people like using CommonPlace
This week, to coincide with Clean Air day – School streets is happening across 3 schools in Chorlton and HS having climate protests. All this comes from parents in the schools and project has helped bring parents together in School Champion network – open to any parents interested in making it easier to walk and cycle.
Getting into more actions now post COVID. Engagement questions being asked. Residential streets project getting going with possibility of mobile parklet.
Paying some film makers to capture what is being done.
Arts Festival will take place 11-19th September. 160 artist sign ups – this is now closed but we will still be able to include additional artists from minority communities. Now looking for venues. Indoor and outdoor. Also for wall. Difficult to plan with certainty due to the COVID situation. Streets will be invited to become venues. Sign up for venues
Chorlton Park White House Project We have revived the project group following practical hibernation during the pandemic. We have a constitution in place and are gradually building the group to be a strong democratic team. We were awarded some NIF funding to carry out more consultation work to get a better understanding of local needs and wishes that we can serve with the project.
The aim of the project is to create a centre for the community which contributes to local wellbeing and supports people in using and enjoying Chorlton Park more.
We have had some short term success in creating connections with the current trial of Tibetan Kitchen operating within the park, which has met some of the needs identified in our consultation work so far. However, this project is a marathon rather than a sprint and we are focused on creating a resource for the community that has a long term sustainable future.
We welcome anyone interested to get involved and as a first step to getting to know the project we have a facebook group. This is the link:
Chorlton Voice may begin a project to get junction boxes on roadsides either cleaned up or artfully decorated.
Alliance roles (Secretary needed)
Not covered.
Any Other Business.
Small things that make a big difference.
Need ongoing discussions about small things to make a big difference.
In the short term, to ask neighbourhood officers for update report on actions identified with Traders in Feb 2020. CK to do.
Date of next meeting: 11th October. 6pm – whether by zoom or in person tbc
Agenda items or anything you would like communicated to all Alliance members in the interim to Carolyn